In 2000 there was a study in Germany involving 120 people that had rheumatoid arthritis, 45% of them with fibromyalgia - most all experienced reduced pain. We all know that an ice bath of 30-minutes helps marathoners, football players, boxers, cyclists and track stars recover faster, and we know that CryoTherapy session of 3-minutes does essentially the same thing in a different way, and the cost is about the same by the time you buy bags of ice to cool the temperature down low enough in a tub to actually help you.
Ordinary spray cans containing tetrafluoroethane , dimethyl ether , or similar substances, are used to numb the skin prior to or possibly in place of local anesthetic injections, cryotherapy benefits and prior to other needles, small incisions, sutures, and so on. Other products containing chloroethane are used to ease sports injuries, similar to ice pack therapy.
Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy or ice treatment, is an application utilized to bring the body temperature down at the tissue and cellular level in order to achieve therapeutic benefits, but there are a few cryotherapy side effects that therapists should be aware of.
Proponents of cryotherapy say that the sudden drop in temperature once you're inside the chamber helps to release mood-lifting endorphins , which make you feel happier and more energetic (just like when you finish exercising and feel a natural high,” or when you take an ice cold shower to activate your brown fat ).
Another source titled; "Whole Body Cryotherapy Can Treat & Prevent Osteoporosis," by Chill-RX-Cryotherapy notes that; "Research indicates that chronic inflammation in the body (systemic inflammation-meaning it is throughout the body, at the cellular level) can directly cause osteoporosis through its effect on bone resorption (loss).
Once you freeze a tissue for its therapy, make sure to clean it well as this can erase any possibility of infections coming in. Another thing to remember is that during treatment, it's wise to be gentle towards the area whether you are wiping or sitting down.
Cryotherapy facials are becoming very popular these days, where a stream of nitrogen is directed at the skin on the face to constrict blood vessels, reduce puffiness and appearances of of bloating caused by late nights, long-haul flights, overindulging in alcohol and spicy foods etc.
An athlete using cryotherapy to reduce inflammation during training would be different from a person using cryotherapy to reduce inflammation caused by chronic conditions and harmful diseases such as arthritis, Alzheimer's, Fibromyalgia, or MS. For everyone, however, consistency is key.
Mobile Cryotherapy currently offers three different types of Cryotherapy services — Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) , Localized Cryotherapy , and the Local Cryo Facial Our Cryo Packages allow you to interchange these Cryotherapy services and use your sessions however you see fit.
It is suggested that when exposed to colder temperatures, your body has to work harder to maintain a normal body temperature and, therefore, uses more calories to do so. In general, humans have two main types of body fat, white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT).
When it comes to your first whole-body session, it can be a bit intimidating wondering just how cold it is going to be. Pendleton offers reassurance that the length of the session is sufficient to trigger the cardiovascular response that yields benefits without being something that you can't handle.