Although constipation and leg pain are different conditions and occur in different parts of the body, they may be interconnected and can have a common origin. This will help you and your child's doctor determine when constipation occurs and how best to treat it. If your child doesn't have normal bowel movements every few days or is uncomfortable when stools are passed, she may need help in developing proper bowel habits.
The frequency or time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person. It may also be more difficult to pass stools and you What is Constipation? may feel unable to empty your bowel completely. Colonic inertia: Your colon is not able to move stool efficiently to your bowels.
Because treatment with laxatives is unsatisfactory, it is important to assess anorectal functions in patients with refractory constipation Biofeedback therapy can improve coordination between abdominal contraction and pelvic floor relaxation during defecation, thereby alleviating symptoms.
And to others still, constipation may mean a bowel movement which does not completely evacuate and leaves the person with a sense of dissatisfaction as if they still need to go.” Constipation is often associated with a bloating sensation, mild nausea and mild cramping pain, all of which are generally relieved by bowel movements.
Call you doctor or other health care professional for treatment for constipation if you have a sudden onset if symptoms that come on suddenly that are severe pain that worsens and are associated with other worrisome symptoms such as suddenly losing weight, or is not responding to simple, safe and effective treatments.
Other changes that may help treat and prevent constipation include drinking enough water and other liquids, such as fruit and vegetable juices and clear soups, so as not to become dehydrated, engaging in daily exercise, and reserving enough time to have a bowel movement.
Patients with symptoms of bowel obstruction require flat and upright abdominal x-rays, possibly a water-soluble contrast enema to evaluate for colonic obstruction, and possibly a CT scan or barium x-ray of the small intestine (see also diagnosis of intestinal obstruction ). Most patients without a clear etiology should have colonoscopy and a laboratory evaluation (CBC, thyroid-stimulating hormone, fasting glucose, electrolytes, and calcium).
In this clinic we help manage the following issues: daytime urinary incontinence (enuresis), nighttime urinary incontinence (bedwetting), urinary urgency and frequency, urinary holding, recurrent urinary tract infections, constipation, and stool accidents.
Parents often confuse these behaviors for trying to pass poop when actually children are trying to hold it in. If your child has constipation, the colon's muscle movements are too slow. Simple measures can be used to treat constipation, for example, increasing fiber in your diet or taking stool softeners.
Plecanitide (Trulance) changes stool consistency by increasing the amount of water into the GI lumen and increases gastrointestinal movement. Stool softeners are laxatives that work by promoting the absorption of more water from the colon. A poor response to the treatments mentioned above or a child < 2 weeks with constipation warrants further investigation to exclude an underlying disorder.