Stephen Covey was born in 1932. As you become better at delegating tasks, you will find that you have more time that you can use to do other higher level tasks such as planning, developing relationships, finding new business and so on. In fact you can spend increasing amounts of time on the things that are important to the success of you and the people you are delegating to and less time on managing day to day urgent issues and crises.
There's no elaboration into what these win-win positions entailed, what made them viable and desirable to both parts, how X had initially failed to understand the position of Y, or how and why this understanding influenced Y. The examples do not illustrate the application of Coveys values (I insist they are values, not habits), but rather are dogmatic insistence that they work.
I've learnt not to schedule my day too tyrannically, leaving time for leisure and fluctuation, and while consistency remains an iron in the fire, planning the following day the night before and major time allotments for the week on Sundays seems to give me the best results.
Stephen Covey's wise words are »The efficiency focus creates expectations that clash with the opportunities to develop rich relationships, to meet human needs, and to enjoy spontaneous moments an a daily basis«, and »Rather focusing on on things and time, (…) focus on preserving and enhancing relationships and accomplishing results.« He also offers practical tools like the Time Management Matrix with its four quadrants.
One critical point Stephen did find was that part way through the 20th century, the direction of success literature shifted - instead of focusing on character development, the literature began focusing on personality traits, and while there is a place for such literature, it left a gaping void in the foundations.
It's a universal book about principles: how to deal with yourself (Part 1 of the book) and how to deal with others (Part 2). Some of them are not exactly new, some of them our mothers repeated to us a thousand times growing up (»begin with the end in mind«), but bringing them all together in a coherent system and applying them to the all areas of life makes The 7 Habits a real stroke of genius.
Result of several years of research, work and experience shows the results in this book as it is loaded with facts and explanations and even if sometimes the language used by the author is highly academic and scientific, but it does not detract from the quality of education provided.
In order to maintain the discipline and the focus to stay on track toward our goals, we need to have the willpower to do something stephen covey 7 habits when we don't want to do it. We need to act according to our values rather than our desires or impulses at any given moment.
A philosophy of ‘Character Ethic': a philosophy that champions change from the inside out; an approach that starts with identifying universal principles; a method of choosing values that align with those principles; and a way to put those values and a definite purpose at the heart of our habits, actions and reactions.