Keeping in pace with the call for greener energy solutions Leadcom has implemented challenging alternative energy projects proving professional know-how and complex logistics capabilities. The most important barriers that renewable energy projects face in Chile are the high cost of the initial investment, limited access to financing, opposition from local communities, the practical and regulatory difficulties to connect to the grid, and lack of interest from large consumers to sign long-term contracts with intermittent sources (solar energy is produced only during the day and wind energy is produced only when there is enough wind blowing; solar and wind have plant factors of 30% or 40% at most).
After increased exposure at the high-profile Seedstars LATAM event that took place from December 4-6, Osoji Solar hopes to have made inversores important connections that will allow them to upscale their product, making solar energy more efficient for Chile and the globe.
Some experts believe that these merchant projects have to be careful to not make the same mistake that happened in Chile, as they run the risk of cannibalizing” themselves by producing large volumes of solar energy, leading to a reduction of the high wholesale power prices that projects strongly rely on and that are essential to the success of solar PV projects.
With a comprehensive value chain, Efacec acts in the generation, distribution and transmission of energy; design, energy, construction and maintenance of integrated systems (EPC - Engineering, Procurement and Construction) for the energy, environment, industry and transports; and development of Electric Mobility solutions and their commercialization.
The Chilean government started looking for ways of being more self-sufficient in terms of energy, because we couldn't just rely on oil that we didn't have, or on rain that we didn't know when it would fall,” says Aldo Madariaga, a researcher at the Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies in Santiago, Chile.
Instead of solar panels, the plant will use 10,600 huge mirrors heliostats that span 140 square metres and follow the sun by means of a dual-axis tracking system that will reflect solar rays and heat to a 243-metre tower which will bear a resemblance to Sauronā tower in the Lord of the Rings movies.
Near the equator in an arid climate far from major sources of industrial and urban pollution, the Atacama Desert, located in northern Chile on the west side of the Andes Mountains, is considered to have the highest irradiation in the world—and thus the highest solar energy potential on Earth.