If you're looking for a Confederate flag for sale look no further. Add in the feedback cycle of tailored social media and news sources, and the United States could see a polarized populace still fighting over a cultural and political divide with roots dating more than 150 years, when the Confederate battle flag was first raised in rebellion.
Because there so many interesting star configurations were designed by individuals who lacked formal training, Stars & Stripes flags of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries can be viewed as some of the greatest creations in the history of American folk art.
In Charleston, South Carolina, not far from where Emanuel AME lost its pastor and eight others, Michael Allen works as a National Park Service historian at historic Civil War and Reconstruction sites, including some that Roof visited in the days leading up to the shooting.
A growing number of retailers are halting sales of the Confederate flag and related merchandise in reaction to its image as a symbol of racial hate, burnished by photos of the man accused of gunning down nine African Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church.
A little over three years ago Dylann Roof walked into a church in South Carolina and murdered nine people in a racially motivated crime.В Less than a week laterВ retailers across the country, including Wal-Mart, Sears, Ebay, and Amazon, decided to stop selling merchandise depicting the US Confederate flag, deeming it a symbol of hate after investigators revealed RoofвЂs social media and forum accounts contained dozens of images of him wearing and wielding one.
We have decided to prohibit Confederate flags and many items containing this image because we believe it has become a contemporary symbol of divisiveness and racism,” eBay said in a statement, echoing the sentiments of others in the aftermath of the fatal shooting last week of nine black parishioners in a South Carolina church and the arrest of a white suspect.
Where they once sat, he'll post a sign telling customers the flags are available behind the counter, and that Elmer's will donate 100 percent civil war flag of proceeds from sales of the flags to organizations that fight racism and bigotry, like the Southern Poverty Law Center or the NAACP.
Also known as the rebel flag, Southern Cross, or Dixie flag this flag is a true part of american history. Browse our entire collection of Wholesale 148 confederate flags customers reviews. The debate has since shifted to other Southern states with Confederate imagery on their banners.