Welcome to the Center for DUI & Criminal Defense. Be aware that not all lawyers have the experience and PROVEN TRACK RECORD to represent you on a DUI, Attorney Matthew Ruff has successfully represented those charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired and DRUNK DRIVING for over 20 years with Offices in Central and Southern California.
In the right situation with the proper Los Angeles DUI Defense Lawyers , a drunk driving case could be reduced to an alcohol-related reckless driving (sometimes called a wet reckless”); a non-alcohol related reckless driving, exhibition of speed, or even a simple moving violation.
I strive to avoid jail or any incarceration for my clients, even when they may be charged with multiple prior convictions, felony DUI, speed enhancements, child endangerment allegations, hit and run associated with the incident or have a pending probation violation.
If you have been arrested, you undoubtedly have questions about what to do next, the permissibility of police conduct, what defenses may be available to you and what the likely outcome of your case may be. For starters, our Practice Areas page provides detailed information about every type of criminal charge in California and the Southern California Court Locations we serve.
As with many major centers, Los Angeles has an array of specialist dui attorneys and the ability to check dui attorney review websites and other online sources lets many clients find out just how good their lawyer might be. But there are some key things that it would pay anyone facing a DUI offense to know prior to even checking on who a good DUI lawyer in the city might be.
The reasoning behind this is that if the accused has been fighting his or her case for say 4 -5 months and there have been no positive readings of alcohol consumption then the Judge and prosecutor know that the defendant has abstained from alcohol consumption for that period of time and the penalties for a plea to a DUI could be less burdensome due to this.
In conducting our own investigation of your DUI charges, an attorney at our firm will search for particular pieces of evidence or information which will disqualify blood alcohol evidence gather Los Angeles DUI Attorney from field sobriety tests or breath & blood tests, which will prove the officer did not have a reason to pull you over in the first place or other instances where your rights were violated.
California prosecutors are fully prepared for DUI trials, so you must be defended by a lawyer who is equally prepared, who has significant trial experience, and who will work aggressively for a reduction or a dismissal of the DUI charge - or for a not guilty verdict if your case goes to trial.
Judge's in Los Angeles have commented that her skill as lead counsel during jury trial is "masterful," "she's an aggressive advocate," and "truly professional." Clients and their families have said that their freedom, reputations, and in some cases their fortunes were protected.
If arrested for DUI with a blood alcohol content of08 percent or greater, if you are on probation for a prior DUI, or if you refused to submit to the required chemical test, there will likely to be two separate actions against you: criminal charges in court and an administrative case with the DMV.
During the arraignment, the charges field against will be read and you will have the chance to enter a plea of not guilty,” no contest,” or guilty.” If you wish to challenge the Los Angeles DUI charges, you should enter a plea of not guilty” and the court will schedule your trial for a future date.