A novel strain of the coronavirus (COVID-19) - a pneumonia-like respiratory illness - has come to spread rapidly across the globe ever since it first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late December 2019. Efforts to contain the coronavirus within China's borders have failed and COVID-19 has gone global, causing the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare it a pandemic Scientists are now focused on finding a cure as hundreds of thousands of people are infected.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli told Fox News on Monday that the origin of the coronavirus outbreak remains virtually unknown — and refused to rule out a startling theory that the virus may have originated in a high-security biochemical lab in Wuhan, China.
Although scientists in China say they've been able to grow the virus in the lab, they have not yet shared samples with international researchers — they have shared only the virus's genetic sequence, says Julian Druce, head of the Virus Identification Laboratory at the Doherty Institute.
These include the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), coronavirus live China's National Health Commission, and Chinese website DXY which provides regional case estimates faster than the national level reporting organizations.
Daily reports of new cases are declining in the country, the WHO confirmed — so much so that authorities are now having problems recruiting participants for the more than 80 clinical trials there that are testing potential treatments for the coronavirus.
26: Despite having confirmed zero cases of the novel coronavirus, San Francisco authorities declared a local emergency Tuesday as the fourth-largest California city prepares for the infection's spread within its tight-knit communities, Reuters reported.
Although the risk for most Americans of infection by the coronavirus remains low, the former Baltimore health commissioner says everyone should be taking precautions Dr. Leana Wen spoke with CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett for an episode of "The Takeout" podcast focused on the coronavirus.