Recently the internet and the media have been buzzing about the deregulation of the gas and electric industries. E. The Franchisee shall provide reasonable notice to Subscribers of any DAS Solutions pricing changes or additional changes (excluding sales discounts, new products or offers) and, subject to the forgoing, any changes in Cable Services, including channel line-ups.
In the areas in which Franchisee shall provide Cable Service, Franchisee shall be required to connect, at Franchisee's expense, all residential dwelling units and business units that are not subject to unbundling obligations that are within one hundred twenty five (125) feet of trunk or feeder lines not otherwise already served by Franchisee's FTTP Network.
Further, the LFA may perform a comprehensive audit of the Franchisee's performance under the terms and conditions of the Franchise and, as appropriate, the Franchisee shall secure the cooperation and assistance of all Persons involved in said action.
Professional Teleconcepts, LLC (Pro-Tel”) specializes in all facets of wireline (ISP) engineering, procurement and construction services for voice, video, data and DC power in central office, MSC, MSO, cell site, data center and enterprise environments.
In accordance with Section 617 of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 537, the LFA shall act upon any request for a Transfer of the Franchise within 120 days of such request provided that such request contains or is accompanied by such information as is required by the FCC's regulations and by the LFA.
Low Voltage Construction services, Installation, Design and Consulting, Business Telephone Systems, Voice & Data Cabling, Relocating & Upgrades, Sales, System Rentals, Installations, Repairs, Maintenance, Free Estimates, Free Consultation, Low Price Guaranteed.
Our 30 plus years of experience in communications system delivery solutions, from planning and engineering to system installation and maintenance, coupled with our knowledge of Regulatory requirements, Optical, Wireline and Wireless technologies, allows us, EF&I Services Corp., to support communication service providers in the transition from traditional voice, video and data to leading edge IP based Telemedia and Mobile Media services.