In case you have been paying attention to the supplements market, one particular supplement which has been getting recognition of late is beta alanine. Nonetheless, if you are a responder you will know once you've tried it and a more pronounced peripheral vascularity and a deeper 'flushed' feeling indicates its effective widening of blood vessels and (theoretically) an increased supply of the nutrients your muscles need during exercise.
The body of scientific data available concerning highly trained athletes performing single competition-like exercise tasks indicates that this type of population receives modest but potentially worthwhile performance benefits from β-alanine supplementation.
Training loads of competitive rowers, who display significantly higher baseline carnosine levels compared with endurance athletes and untrained individuals, reach 190 min.d−1 in high-load phases and ∼108 min.d−1 ( 94 ) in the tapering phases, which far exceeds the training loads in these studies ( 5,58,59,61,70 ). Interestingly, although not intended to be a training intervention study, Derave observed a significant increase in gastrocnemius carnosine content (+16%) in the placebo condition in a group of trained sprinters.
Even the ingredients found in both, such as creatine and Beta Alanine have not been tested in conjunction with alcohol, energy drinks or other popular "club drugs" what is beta alanine so one should be very careful when mixing even the above ingredients, not to mention the additional ingredients in Anadraulic State GT with these "drugs".
An inherent problem of time trial tests in well trained participants who are familiar with the exercise protocol is that they are influenced by pacing strategies 27 and sometimes these pacing strategies do not produce optimal performance 28 There is also a variety, possibly an infinite number, of pacing strategies available to an individual 29 However, if pacing strategies were employed by the athletes in the present study variables such as heart rate, blood lactate and particularly the RPE responses to exercise would have been lower in the group supplemented with β-alanine.
The ergogenic potential of β-alanine supplementation for elite athletes performing repeated high-intensity exercise bouts, either during training or during competition in sports which require repeated maximal efforts (e.g., rugby and soccer), needs scientific confirmation.
Compared with the presupplementation performance trial, the β-alanine group significantly improved average power output in the second (+6.5%; p = 0.042) and third (+10.5%; p = 0.013) set and a trend towards a significant performance improvement in the fourth set (+7.2%; p = 0.10).
The intramuscular synthesis of carnosine is limited by the low availability of β-alanine 19 Moreover, skeletal muscle does not seem to express the carnosine transporters PEPT1 and PEPT2 20 , meaning that the uptake of carnosine in its intact form into skeletal muscle is substantially low or non-existent.
However, these differences may be in part because of the exclusion of subjects with high initial muscle carnosine content ( 95 ) and the different muscles used to assess carnosine levels ( 4 ). However, until it is determined what the maximal attainable muscle carnosine levels are with prolonged β-alanine supplementation, correlations with baseline carnosine content need to be treated with caution.
Furthermore, although not significant, participants in the β-alanine group consistently trained at higher workloads (intensity) and for longer time periods (volume) during the supervised interval training sessions according to the participants training logs.
Hoffman et al. ( 51 ) also observed no significant difference in sprint times or fatigue rates in American football players in an intermittent shuttle running line drill (3 × 35-43 seconds with a 2-minute rest) after 3 weeks of β-alanine supplementation.
Reductions in Ca2+ release have been shown to be mediated by alterations in the Ca2+ channels, primarily the ryanodine receptors ( 35 ), of which, carnosine has been thought to activate ( 10 ), thereby potentiating Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release ( 31 ). More recently, Everaert et al. ( 33 ) supplemented mice with either carnosine (0.1, 0.5, or 1.8%) or β-alanine (0.6 or 1.2%) in their drinking water for 8-12 weeks.